Self-worth cultivation is the first step toward success. If you have dreams to achieve, believing in yourself can give you the perseverance needed to keep moving. Affirmations for self-worth will help you fight anxiety and concerns related to low self-worth and help you start thinking positively.
If you want to make changes in your life, affirmations are a great place to start. The use of positive affirmations can program your mind to expect positive outcomes and support you in your efforts to achieve your goals.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”
~ Napoleon Hill
I encourage you to give affirmations a try. It’s really a beautiful and magical practice. Below I have listed 100 powerful affirmations to enhance your self-love. I hope you enjoy and give them a try!!

- I chose to release happiness, love, and gratitude into today’s world. Life is beautiful and precious, and my choice is to focus on positive things.
- I carry out a daily exercise of my body with ease, and the ways it can move, bend, pose, and stretch amazes me.
- My mistakes don’t make me a bad person.
- I am strong and can stand up for myself and others when needed.
- I am enough, and I don’t need to change.
- I am worthy of being praised and rewarded for my efforts.
- I am capable, strong, worthy, and always enough.
- I approve of myself, and that’s the only approval I need.
- My worthiness is not defined by my achievements.
- My opinion is important, and people genuinely care about it.
- I am willing to learn, grow, and continuously evolve.
- Everything I’m looking for; I can find within me.
- I love and appreciate myself. I am who I am and I love myself.
- I will not criticize myself. I will love myself for who I am and for what I have become.
- I am worthy of happiness.
- I am worthy and deserving of a lifetime filled with happiness and joy.
- I am worthy and deserving of my beautiful dreams.
- I stand tall in my undeniable worthiness.
- I am worthy of unconditional respect and acceptance.
- I am worthy of living the life of my dreams.
- Every day, I become more confident, compassionate, and courageous.
- I have an incredible gift to offer this world.
- I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.
- I am worthy, powerful, and more than enough.
- I choose to love my imperfect self perfectly.
- I have what it takes to be successful in all that I do.
- I believe I am worthy enough to manifest my dreams, and my heart is open to receiving everything I desire.
- I let go of my past and live in the present.
- I am growing each and every day.
- I forgive myself and learn from my mistakes.
- I am a work of art.
- I am a constant work in progress.
- I am valued and appreciated.
- I allow myself to feel deeply.
- I am open to receive love.
- I am safe, divinely guided and protected.
- I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
- I overcome challenges with grace and ease.
- I have a warm and caring heart.
- I live in an abundant universe. My desires are within my reach. Once I believe it, I can make anything happen.
- I am deserving of a happy and fulfilling life.
- I love myself unconditionally.
- I fully love the person I am, both inside and out.
- I can choose self-love whenever I desire.
- I let my love for myself grow every day.
- I am not less for making mistakes.
- I am more because I learn from them.
- I love the person that I am and the person I am becoming.
- It’s okay not to be okay.
- I allow myself to feel whatever I need to.
- I am courageous and brave for trying, even when it’s hard.
- I am strong, beautiful, bold, and confident.
- I deserve a peaceful and loving life.
- I allow myself to accept love, prosperity, and abundance.
- I respect my own boundaries
- Today, I choose me.
- I am loved.
- I am deserving of love.
- I am kind to myself.
- Love flows from within me. I attract love and light.
- I release the need to judge myself negatively.
- Today I start loving myself more.
- I am capable of loving fully and completely.
- I treat my body with love and care.
- I am powerful and confident.
- I trust in my ability to make it through difficult times.
- I trust my intuition and my inner wisdom.
- My life is full of endless opportunities for success and happiness.
- The universe supports me, always.
- Loving myself means I am able to love others more.
- I am forever grateful and I have so much to celebrate in life.
- I choose to view my life positively.
- I have the power to create the life that I love.
- I have the power to make positive changes in my life.
- I am capable of anything.
- My body is beautiful no matter what society thinks.
- My life has purpose.
- I attract love into my life.
- I am filled with gratitude for who I am.
- I am in control of my happiness.
- I make time to care for myself.
- I let go of that which no longer serves me.
- My life is filled with happiness.
- I am enough.
- I am open to new experiences.
- I am strong and confident.
- I have the power to transform my life.
- I am creating the life I desire
- I can do anything I set my mind to.
- My uniqueness is magical.
- I celebrate all my wins no matter how big or small.
- My determination is stronger than my fear.
- My abundance has no limits.
- I release self-hatred and embrace self-love.
- I am proud of all that I’ve overcome.
- I am growing into the best version of me.
- I attract blessings into my life.
- I have the power to rise above any challenge that comes my way.
- I worthy of relationships that are loving, genuine and nourishing.
- I am a soul full of love and positive energy.
wrapping up:
Affirmations are powerful tools that can help lift old negative beliefs, heal yourself and enhance your life to move forward and become the best version of you. These powerful affirmations will definitely change your life if you practice them everyday. You deserve all the joy, happiness, inner peace, confidence and abundance of self-love and self-worth.
Don’t forget to share these powerful positive affirmations with your friends!!