What does the morning routines of successful people in the world like Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Tim Cook, Arianna Huffington and many others have in common? A daily routine that they are consistent with, which ultimately sets them apart from the rest.
They all have a powerful morning ritual which leads the rest of the day to success.
This means each morning they wake up and spend first part of the day focus on themselves.
Oprah Winfrey told Harper’s Bazaar that she has a series of spiritual exercises she does every day, including meditation, before her physical workout.
In his blog, Richard Branson writes for example that he likes to get up around 5 am and do some exercise first thing in the morning.
Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, has also mentioned a very early wake-up time and morning exercise as an important part of his day.
Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post, ensures she doesn’t pick up her phone immediately upon waking up, preferring to spend some time breathing, being grateful, and setting intentions for the day.
So, in this blog I’m going to be revealing eight morning routines/rituals of successful people have so that you can gain new ideas and inspiration .
The way you start your day can set you up for success. It can also do the opposite!
A good morning routine can set a good vibe that will boost your mood and productivity for the day ahead.
A big part of a good morning routine is mindset – getting you into the right frame of mind for a positive and successful time. It’s also practical, getting things done and out of the way so you can focus on other things.
Success lies in your daily habits and routine. How you choose to spend your days speak volumes about the kind of life you want to lead. We all want to be the most successful and motivated versions of ourselves possible, right?
Why Habits For Success Are Important
Success is the name of the game! Success is a mindset, a practice, and a culmination of habits.
A habit is a consistent practice that is difficult to abandon once you established it. There are many daily habits that are common among successful people. Understanding these habits for success and their importance can help you determine which habits to include in your own life, depending on your unique goals and aspirations.
Eight habits successful do every morning to win the day
These eight morning habits of highly successful people will help you kick-start your day so you can achieve greater focus, clarity and productivity. Follow these tips, and you’ll find yourself achieving higher levels of success than ever before.
Morning Routine Habit #1 Wake Up Early

Give yourself enough time in the morning to accomplish everything you need to do without rushing out of the house or starting your day. This might require waking up earlier each morning than you do currently. Allow your body’s circadian rhythm to adjust to an earlier wake-up time by going to sleep and waking up in 15-minute earlier increments. Increase the increments by 15 minutes every three to four days until you reach your desired wake-up time. Also, avoid hitting the snooze button on your alarm so you can train your body to wake up more easily.
Morning Routine Habit #2 Exercise Exercise Exercise

Morning exercise is a daily habit of many successful leaders. Exercise is essential to keep us physically and mentally fit.
Going for a walk, a run, dancing, going to the gym, yoga, swimming, you name it. Whatever you can do to get your heart rate up, your body moving as part of your daily morning routine, do that.
The many benefits of exercise go well beyond simple health — exercise can also help you think more clearly, make you happier, reduce stress, increase your energy levels, boost your sex life and help you sleep better at night.
Besides maintaining your weight, exercise keeps you fit and less lazy. It also keeps you driven as one thing you can learn from daily exercise is consistency. Have you noticed, whenever you stop exercising, you notice a difference in your body?
Consistency is key! Being consistent is essential if you want to make any significant change in your life.
Morning Routine Habit #3 Mediate/Pray

If it’s good for Oprah, it’s definitely good for you and me too.
A morning meditation routine clears your mind and reduces stress, putting your brain in a productive and focused state for the rest of the day.
Meditation looks different for different people but essentially it is a form of mental exercise which involves relaxation, focus, and awareness.
You can also pray if you believe in God. People pray to God to gain strength and hope, wisdom and guidance. Prayer in the morning will help give you that extra boost to face a better day.
Find a comfortable and quiet place to meditate for about 10 minutes clearing your mind and breathing deeply or follow along with one of the many meditation apps out there. Meditation involves quietly focusing on something, such as deep breathing exercises or nature sounds, without any distractions. After meditating, you should feel calm, content and alert. Research has shown the benefits of meditation might include:
- Lower stress levels
- Increased creativity
- An improved ability to focus
- Better memory
- Improved immune function
Morning Routine Habit #4 Eat A Healthy Breakfast

As with exercise, healthy food first thing in the morning is a great way to start your day in a positive way – and of course, it’s beneficial to your body.
Some people don’t like to eat in the early hours, and that’s fine. But if you do eat breakfast, put in the effort to make it nutritious.
Starting on the right food-wise is the way to go, and the earlier you rise the more time you will have to put together a decent meal.
Eating a healthy breakfast is very important because it gives you the energy to face the day and eating also makes you happy.
Morning Routine Habit #5 Prioritize Your Important Tasks

Sometimes the best way to have a productive morning is to get a head start the night before. Many successful people spend their evenings getting ready for the following day because it frees up their mornings to get a jump on meaningful work.
Former American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault ends his evenings by writing down three things he wants to accomplish the next day.
Creating a to-do list at night is more time efficient, reduces morning stress and marks a definitive end to the day resulting in greater work-life balance.
Morning Routine Habit #6 Connect With Your Partner

Use your morning hours to reconnect with your partner. Talk about your plans, your goals and even your beloved hobbies as a way to always be present in their lives. Whether you live alone or not, speak to loved ones in the morning to help put you in a good mood first thing. Talk to those you care about to encourage a positive mindset.
In the morning, highly successful people know that they’ll have more energy and more focus so making this a ritual is paramount.
You can even set up one day of the week as your “breakfast date”. Go to the nearest café for breakfast or run around the neighbourhood with your partner. It may do wonders for your relationship.
Morning Routine Habit #7 Practice Daily Affirmations

Make positive morning affirmations part of your morning routine. Using positive affirmations to start your day can actively replace negative thoughts. Positive morning affirmations will prepare you for a happier and more productive day ahead!
Daily positive affirmations can help motivate you to push past limiting beliefs and gives you strength in difficult times. It’s also a great way to practice gratitude and help you embrace your strengths!
When said in the morning, positive affirmations can motivate you to do your best and believe in yourself throughout the day.
Here are few positive morning affirmations that you can include into your daily morning routine. Start your day right!!
- Today, I am the best version of myself. I am ready to achieve my goals. A new day means a new opportunity.
- My mind and body are ready to start the day. I am focused, and at peace. Everything will be okay!
- I am grateful for today. I welcome a peaceful, prosperous and gentle day. I am up and awake. No matter what, I am worthy of today.
- I choose life, love, peace, prosperity, and abundance over gloominess, stress, worry and apprehension.
- I deserve life, I deserve love, I deserve joy and happiness. Today is my day.
- I am living, I am learning, and I am growing. I am present this morning and I will continue to be present all throughout the day. I believe in myself.
Morning Routine Habit #8 Ask Yourself Powerful Question

We’re all driven by personal ideas, goals, and philosophies that guide us on a day-to-day basis.
When life is at its most hectic, starting the day with a powerful question can be a great way to affirm the ideas, beliefs, and values that mean the most to you so that your decisions match your long-term goals and personal mission.
Steve Jobs used this tactic, noting in his 2005 commencement speech at Stanford University that his question was “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?”
If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?
Steve Jobs
Use your morning question to determine which activities are most deserving of your time and energy, and to hold yourself accountable for staying true to your core values.
Consistent morning habits sets the tone for a productive day!
A morning routine is about self-care; it’s doing things that are good for you both physically and mentally to get your day off to a good start. We learn what is good for us by testing things out, so start by picking something you think might work for you. Over time you’ll figure out the best way to start your day!
All the best x