The law of attraction is very powerful. It is something that can do wonders to many people. Law of attraction is always influencing your life and reality. And once you are aware of it you can use it to create the life of your dreams. There are going to be many ways to achieve your goals and not have to worry about limits that can hold you back. You want to have the life that you want and deserve. Having that actual experience in life that you deserve is going to be something that can change your life. Once you understand how the Law of Attraction works, you can begin to consciously and intentionally change your results and create a better life.
Today, I’m going to cover how you can use the Law of Attraction to achieve your goals and dreams.
What is Law of Attraction?
“The Law of Attraction defines your ability to attract, into your life, what you focus on. Your thoughts influences your destiny.
Whatever you can imagine is achievable, if you take action on a plan to get to where you want to be.
The true definition of the Law of Attraction is like attracts like. In order to gain positive results while using this law, you need to keep up a positive outlook on life. The law of attraction teaches that joy brings joy; thoughts of money bring money; anger receives anger; fear causes fear; laughter makes more laughter; and a positive outlook attracts others with positive outlooks.
Whatever you give your emotional energy and attention to, is what will come back to you.”
This is the law that connects people of similar passions and/or interests together. It is a means for people to deal with their lives, get things done and obtain what they desire.
Achieve your goals with Law of Attraction
Think about your goals that you have in life. You can make a long and short-term goals for yourself. Once you have these set in place you will be able to think about the ways that you need to go about getting them achieved. Goals are very important to hard at. You need to bring yourself to the point in life that you can feel good about the positive efforts that you have made and be able to work hard towards the other goals that you have created.
The next thing you need to do is work at these goals and make them possible. You want to be able to create a step by step plan that will help you with your goals and make life exactly what you have dreamed about. With every goal plan you need to have ideas on how to meet them. Don’t worry if you do not see results right away. You need to let this plan work for you so that you are better able to work out the things in your life that will help you become one step closer to meeting your goals.
The law of attraction says that we are in control of our own destiny. We need to be ready for upcoming events and things that can occur at any moment. Make sure that you are keeping a positive outlook and do what you need to in order to more persistent in getting where you need to be. This is going to be something that you should invest your time and effort in.
Everyone uses the power of the law of attraction in some way or another, whether you are aware of it or not. If you want to take full advantage of all the possibilities this law has to offer, you need to be observant, concentrate solely on what you want and have faith that your desires will come to reality.

1. Create a positive mindset/thinking
Your thoughts are powerful. They have a real impact on the world around you. Positive thinking or mindset can help you achieve your life and career goals.
Your thoughts determine your actions, and your actions declare your intentions to the universe. And the universe will respond to those intentions.
So if you want better results, you have to think and behave in a way that is in alignment with what you ultimately want to be, do, and have in life.
“Never underestimate the power of thoughts, it is the greatest path of discovery.”
~ Idowu Koyenikan
Also appreciating the good things in your life helps you feel better about your life, which supports your positive mindset. List the things you’re grateful for or write them in a gratitude journal. Additionally, thank people for the good things they add to your life.
For example; write 3 things you’re grateful for every morning before you get out of bed. This will help you start your day in a good mood.
2. Create a vision board
The Secret book says, “The Law of Attraction is forming your entire life experience and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the universe.” Visualization is the most powerful tool for manifesting exactly what you want. Why? Because in the same way as setting a goal, you first decided exactly what you want in great detail. It’s exactly like choosing a destination and using sat-nav to get there.
Visualization is creating a mental picture in your mind of the reality you want. Imagine in your mind’s eye what this looks like. Visit this reality in your imagination. What does it make you feel? Feel the emotions. What does this place or experience or thing smell like? What does it sound like? What does it feel like to touch? What does it make you feel inside? Answer these questions whist you are imagining it.
Then you can create a vision board (or dream board ) for the life you want at the same time that will cement this future you have imagined for you. How to create vision board; cut out words and pictures from a magazine, print out images, or use photographs to create a collage of what you want. Hang your collage in your living space where you can see it every day. Then, look to your vision board for daily inspiration to help you visualise, manifest and to work toward your dreams and goals. One thing I want you to remember is this; a vision board is not a magic wand. To get what you want, you’ll need to do something to get it.

3. Take action and dream big
While visualizing is an important part of the Law of Attraction, it’s really useless without action. Hard work and visualization should go hand in hand on the path to getting what you want. Put your plan down on paper and be ready to take necessary steps to meeting the challenges of achieving your goals.
Do one small task every day to work toward your goal. Start by setting a goal to spend 10 -15 minutes a day pursuing your goal. Then, work your way up from there. To keep track of your progress, make a list of small steps you need to take toward your goal, then tick them off when you do them. These small actions will help you produce big results.
Decide what you want. Know that you deserve it. Believe you can have it, and then take one small step toward it. Then another, and another, and another.
With every step, your path will become clearer to you.

4. Use Positive Affirmations
Affirmations help you speak your desires into existence. They are a powerful tool for transformation and a key element in creating the life you desire. Positive affirmations can also help you reframe any situation from negative to positive. They will also help anyone who has a scarcity mindset, or who is stuck in negative patterns. Affirmations are short statements that you repeat to yourself, either out loud, or in your head. They should relate to your own individual goals.
Here are some examples:
- I am confident in my purpose. Everything I need is within me.
- I have the power to change.
- I am working towards my goals and dreams,
- I am destined for greatness.
- I am surrounded by opportunities every day.
- I am a magnet for success.
- I am beautiful and worthy of love.
- I am grateful for all the good and great things in my life.
Affirmations also help if you struggle with being self-critical. It is important that you speak to yourself in a positive way every day. When you make a habit of repeating them daily, you will be amazed at how much easier it will be to stay focused on your dreams and attract what you need to make them become a reality.
Final Thoughts
Whilst ‘success’ is subjective to everyone, you can own your goals using the Law Of Attraction!
It is up to you to define what success means. With this in mind, you must create goals, use visualization so you can achieve your own dreams.
Be specific. Make positive changes each day and strive for a better future.
Believing in yourself and being able to make things happen in the way that you want them to is very important. You will be surprised at the amount of happiness you will achieve when you are putting these laws of attraction into play for you and the goals that you are looking to achieve. You are going to be happier and ready to take action on more goals as you go along. Once you start working to achieve your personal goals you will feel better about yourself and all the things that you have planned out for your life.
How are you using the Law of Attraction to achieve your goals?